The relevant resonance structures of the given molecule are as follows.
- Structure A is shown below. NItrogen with 2 sigma bonds is linear as shown below. However , nitrogen in the ring is strained with an angle of $\ce{120^o}$ (figure 1).
In figure 2 ,an unstrained Nitrogen with $\ce{120^o}$ bond angle is shown for your reference. Therefore , this structure $\ce{A}$ is irrelevant resonance structure .
- Structure $\ce{E}$ is not a resonance structure of $\ce{F}$ or $\ce{1}$ in my structure. The carbanion in $\ce{2}$ is in conjugation with imine bond ($\ce{ C=N }$). This gives $\ce{3}$.
- Structure $\ce{B}$ in not aromatic .